Maintaining a Safe and Respectful Campus

To support UF’s vision of an academic and work environment free of discrimination, UF Human Resources requires completion of the training Maintaining a Safe and Respectful Campus (GET803).

Every employee of the university (faculty; TEAMS/USPS; and all OPS)—that is, anyone who receives a paycheck from the University of Florida—is expected to complete this training.

New hires are expected to meet this training requirement within the first 30 days of employment and provide their certificate of training completion to appropriate department personnel.

Training is expected of all faculty and staff every two years.


Instructions on how to access myTraining, and complete mandatory compliance training modules:

Training can be accessed through the myUFL system by selecting Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development > myTraining > Search (top right corner) > You can either search by title or course code.


•Go to HR’s MyTraining site
• Select University of Florida if you are a UF employee or student or receive a check from a UF DSO, OR Select UF Health Shands if you receive a paycheck from Shands.
• Log in to myTraining using your GatorLink account.